Crepe Murder

Almost everyone in the south knows what a Crepe Myrtle is as they adorn most streets. During the summer, they are one of the only plants that put on such a show despite the 90 degree weather that plagues us. Come winter time, everyone that owns a Crepe Myrtle understands they need to be pruned, yet many trees get "Crepe Murdered."

What is Crepe Murdering?


Crepe murdering a tree is when you top the Crepe Myrtle instead of selectively pruning specific branches. There are many reasons as to why we shouldn't top a Crepe Myrtle:

1. For starters, it's ugly.

2. Along with appearance, topping Crepe Myrtles (or any tree for that matter), greatly reduces the health of the tree.

-- Removing the whole canopy of the tree reduces the photosynthesis process, effecting the trees ability to take in nutrients and properly feed itself.

-- Topping actually encourages a brunt of new growth as the tree tries to reform its canopy. These new limbs end up weaker than those previously removed.

-- Each limb that is severed becomes a fresh wound for the tree. This can be likened to a lizard losing its tail. While lizard tails regrow, imagine if the lizard tail was cut monthly. The lizard would continually be at risk to disease and have reduced health compared to a lizard whose tail was never severed.

3. Topping is not necessary for increased blooms.



When pruning Crepe Myrtles, like any other tree, the goal should be a natural look for the tree. The best time to prune Crepe Myrtles is late January to February.

1. Prune any suckers that are at the base of the tree.

2. Prune any side branches off the main trunk(s). The main trunk is normally the first 4-5 feet of the tree unless you have a young Crepe Myrtle. If your Crepe Myrtle is young, you will need to determine what the main trunk(s) will be.

3. Remove limbs that are growing inwards or crossing over each other. Leave limbs that are growing outwards.

4. Prune any weak growth that does not lend to an attractive look and feel.

Remember to always make sure to make all cuts flush with a larger branch to ensure that no knots/knobs are left on the tree. If your tree has been crepe murdered in the past, this can be healed:


Edible Hedgenettle

